Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Coffee Experience

7:45 am. That extra 45 minutes lounging in bed, with early sun (not fog) outside has a fine effect on my mood. I'm feeling wonderful as I meander through my oatmeal ritual.

8:25 am. My Saturday morning step class has the advantage of being a few storefronts down from Peets. I order my decaf capp "for here", which means it comes in a ceramic cup and saucer. Delightful on a sunny bench outside.

Excuse me while I digress, but I often wonder why I almost always have the only ceramic cup in a coffee bar. Do others who I see drink their drinks in, not know the words "for here"? Just about everyone else drinks from paper, which conveniently gets tossed in the landfill care package ( or garbage can). I can only imagine the volume of discarded paper cups and lids from a single day. It's an eco disaster. And I'm sorry, I don't buy the argument that the energy to wash the dishes is more wasteful.

I even bring my own plastic spoon, which I tote around in my bag. It actually gets washed from time to time as well.

9:00 am. Step class. A woman asks me to move from my carefully selected spot so she can squeeze into her preferred spot. I end up in front of the fan, and on the way to the water fountain so that throughout the class people are bumping into me, and I'm blasted by the unwelcome buzz of the industrial fan.

It's a great opportunity to practice my "I love" and "I forgive" affirmations.

12:10 pm. I'm starving. 1 chicken burrito and frozen corn, eaten with my family, on plates with knifes and forks, and cloth napkins. Frozen food never had it so good.

Before I wash the sauce pan that held the corn, I scoop a couple of spoonfuls of the corn infused water directly into my mouth. No one was looking.

3:30 pm. I'm about a 1.5 on my scale, but have a Zen bun anyway. I'm wanting more when I finish, but I'm not hungry enough. I know it will spoil my dinner if I eat more.

5:30 pm. 1 clementine.

6:30 pm. Munching on red pepper and baby carrots that I've served the kids. It's an automatic reaction to food I've classified as healthy and harmless.

7:00 pm. I'm part way through a birthday party for my son with 14 children in my home, some of whom are sleeping over. They have finished their meal and the movie goes on. Peace. Ahhhhh. We eat something I didn't eat for about 17 years. Pizza. With veggie topping of course. And steamed broccoli with my favorite Goddess dressing and balsamic vinegar.

I wasn't super hungry when I started, but somehow my appetite opens up when I start. Pizza eaten with a knife and fork surprisingly meets my need for ceremony around my evening meal. Well, the first slice and a half are eaten this way. My husband's crusts, and the last 1/2 piece are eaten, err, less ceremoniously.

And 1.5 glasses of red wine in a big round glass that magnifies the experience. Very nice.

BTW, the birthday cake has that not quite food smell of food colorings in commercial cakes. Not appealing. Yes, I let my kids have these cakes when I don't make one myself. It's a slice or two a year. They will survive it, I'm sure, and I feel less bad about throwing away the leftovers.

Now, just to get 8 kids to sleep...

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