Saturday, February 10, 2007

What gets thinner as it gets heavier?

If you can answer this question, you'll have a hint to where I am, and what I'm doing for exercise.

Friday was meant to be a rest day, but I still had to negotiate with myself to not work out. Odd how I negotiate with myself both to work out, and to not work out.

7:15 My usual oatmeal breakfast, decaf capp.

12:15 What else? Peasant Pie and lentil soup. My favorite

3:00 an orange. After a 20 minute meditation that seemed more like a nap, this is as much to revive my energy as to placate my belly.

7:00 pm I wanted quick and easy because we are travelling tonight. Into the rice cooker go:

brown rice
black beans
canned tomatoes
chunks of zucchini
shredded cheese
a bit of olive oil

mainly organic. I love the idea of a one pot meal that's easy. This one got medium reviews from my gourmet husband, who prefers fresh, organic, pampered by buddhist monks, etc. But let's face it, it was a quick effort. One must make some concessions to convenience.

Any ideas for what to throw in the rice cooker for a quick, tasty, vegetarian meal? Post a comment if you have any insights.


8:00 am Oatmeal. decaf capp. Boring. Comforting.

11:00 am 1/2 of a peanut butter and pear sandwich on whole wheat. Yum.

2:00 pm 1/2 of a 1/2 and 1/2 fish/veggie burrito. We abandoned the first lunch spot because they were out of veggies. Veggies are non-negotiable. I was eyeing my son's pizza crust ( I love pizza crust), but it disappeared while I was engaged in negotiations for:

another decaf capp. It took three tries to get the one I drank, but it still was really a latte. I poured out a bunch of milk. One mondo size fits all. If I weren't addicted, life would be simpler.

Afterwards, I was full for about 15 mintues.

5:45 pm a smallish glass of red wine. Wonderful on an empty stomach while blogging. It's the small pleasures we enjoy the most...

Thai food tbd.

Do you know the answer to the riddle? Post a comment with your guess. I'll let you know if you get it right.

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