Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Dr. Atkins Would be Appalled

7:15 am I've come down with a cold, so yesterday's workout didn't happen. Today I managed a low-key cruise on the elliptical for 50 minutes. I planned 20 or 30 minutes, but a few decent articles in Oprah magazine got me through. Still, I took it easy. It's definitely not a day to push.

8:30 am - The usual oatmeal with a few grapes, and a decaf. capp. Made with organic whole milk.Yesterday's ferocious hunger has thankfully subsided, so I'm back in the range of reasonable servings.

1:15 pm - Soba noodles in broth with veggies and steamed tofu. Very nice, light. Maybe too light. We'll see how it settles. Another terrific local eatery. San Francisco is a great place for food.

3:30 pm - I'm very hungry, so my current fave, a Zen Bakery raisin bun and a stick of organic string cheese are called to service. I love these buns-made with whole wheat flour, and sweetened with white grapes. Yum.

5:45 pm - The kids descend on me in my office and I'm recruited for kitchen and homework duty. I'm starving, so I pull out the organic baby carrots and eggplant hummus. As I eat a few bites, I realize the hummus doesn't actually taste very good, so I give up the effort. It's not worth it.

I eat two scraped spoonfuls from my son's cereal bowl. Yes, bad mom. The kids had cereal for dinner tonight. With their desperation for food (my son is climbing on the counter to the cereal cupboard), I know it's a losing battle to get them to wait until I prepare something reasonable. At least it's whole grain, low sugar, with some organic walnuts, and organic, unsweetened yogurt in the mix. There are worse things.

For me, it's a salad (see post Renee's Famous 10 minute (or less) weeknight salad ). Today it's mixed organic greens, red pepper, mushrooms, avocado and feta cheese. The dressing is flax oil, balsamic vinegar, and three cloves of crushed, fresh garlic. Just as well my husband is out. I'm serious about getting over this cold a.s.a.p.

The main course is a frozen chicken burrito, which my daughter decides looks good, so I lose a few bites, and make them up when she decides she wants a tamale and I get a few bites.I'm still hungry.A piece of Acme Whole Wheat Walnut bread from the freezer, with a bit of organic butter, and some more salad.

I realize this isn't enough to get me through the night comfortably, so the family classic happens again - a bowl of cereal, shortly before bed. Dr. Atkins would be apalled, but then again, I'm thinner than he was...

As I write this, I'm a tinge hungry, but it will have to wait until morning. I want those jeans to stay loose :)

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