Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Exercise and Appetite

7:15 am - With the cold not yet departed, I'll have to pass on the weight workout. Too much intensity for my slow moving body. 50 minutes on the elliptical again, a couple of notches higher than yesterday, but still moderate, and more Oprah magazine articles get me through.

9:15 am - Where did the time go? Aiks! I have a 9:30 call and the oatmeal isn't ready. Got to love the mute switch. I munch a few bites while chatting. It's not very pleasant, and it's hard to focus, so I save most of it until I'm done with the call.

10:00 am - I haven't had my decaf. capuccino and I really want to listen to my friend Heather Dominick's Energy Rich Business Re-Charge call (check her out at I really do get a re-charge from them, but then there's my addiction to decaf. coffee. So, cordless phone and headset in place, I head to the espresso machine to listen and brew. Again, not ideal, but it gets the job done.

1:30 pm - I got into a flow state working on my book proposal. Nothing like an interested publisher to focus the mind. So lunch happened late, and I was hungry, but not like I normally would be at this time. I guess my body has adapted to the lower intensity work outs and wants less food.

It's a zucchini, mushroom and cheese Peasant Pie, and some light vegetarian chili from my favorite local lunch spot.

3:00 pm - I have rediscovered my appetite. I'm back from lunch, and I'm still hungry. You guessed it - a Zen bakery raisin bun and a stick of organic string cheese (

4:15 pm - I'm medium hungry, and feeling sluggish, from sitting and typing for so long. An orange beckons, and I'm wondering if I really need to eat it, but I do.

7:00 pm - I'm not as hungry as I would expect at dinner time. Probably the orange. It's another of my famous salads (2 big cloves of garlic tonight) and a frozen chicken burrito. The kids aren't very hungry but they ask for salad (really), and get their special version - lettuce and their favorite organic goddess dressing.

I eat the remnants of my son's cereal.

I was seriously thinking of having my own bowl, planning on it really, but I can't say I'm hungry. I know I'll be fine until morning, so I might as well call it a night.

I will feel great in the morning if I do. :)
PS I booked a terrific last minute guest for Monday's call: Charlie Badenhop. He's doing some fascinating work with emotional release through the body The Childhood Obesity topic will be moved to the following week. More tomorrow.

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