Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Secret Life of Organic Corn Flakes

7:15 am. I started the day with my usual winter breakfast - organic oatmeal with a few grapes thrown in and a decaf capp (whole milk). That didn't really do it, so the last bite of my son's Van's waffle (whole grain) with a smattering of cream cheese found it's way into my mouth. Then off for..

a 5.7 mile run in glorious Golden Gate Park - 8:40 pace.

Very fast for me, fabulous.which left me starving...But I managed to make it to lunch with a cup of roibosh tea with milk. I wanted to enjoy lunch by being hungry.

12:15pm. Good lunch, tofu black bean Peasant Pie (baked whole grain crust, they are great) and soup. Good but not enough so 1/2 of a Zen bakery raisin bun with a stick of string cheese. I love these buns. I cultivate hunger in the afternoons so I can have one.

5:00 pm. I'm starving again. The other half of the Zen bakery bun departs the planet.6:30 pm. I'm starving, again, and so are the kids. We make a spinach salad to eat with the chard/brown rice casserole and quiche I made over the weekend. I did a decent job of minimizing the snacking while prepping, but with effort!

Still hungry, so the leftovers of my son's dessert - cereal - finds it's way into my belly. Boy that was good. More is poured, and I find myself munching while serving. Yuk. Very uncivilized, but it's those darn organic corn flakes and that flax granola. I'm aware this second helping is about putting some weight in my stomach, about wanting to feel more full, about them tasting good, but I decide to do it anyway. We all have our weaknesses.Worse, I'm wanting to read while eating - an old habit that dies hard. I know that every time I do it, I barely notice the food, but the trance of it beckons, and anything legible near where I am sitting gets read in sneaky glimpses between bites.

9:30 pm. My teeth are brushed, but amazingly enough I'm kind of hungry. Phew, I guess those corn flakes weren't so bad after all. I must have been hungry. Redemption is mine, at least for tonight.


sharryb said...

Hi Renee,
You asked people on today's Lighten Up call to check out your blog and comment, so I am doing just that. I really relate to the DESIRE to read and eat that comes over me often in the evening. I read once that it is about eating and seeing our mother's face--the food eye connection. Maybe. But trance is a great word for it.

Renee said...

Thanks Sharry! Interesting idea about mom's face...