Thursday, February 1, 2007

A Pecan that tells a story and the Mysterious Expanding Cookie

7:15 am - The usual oatmeal and grapes eaten "with" the kids. I'm on the floor in Cow's face yoga pose, the newspaper spread in front of me, eating while encouraging the kids to focus on their whole-grain waffles (Vans).

I discourage multi-tasking while eating, but make an exception for breakfast's the only chance I get to read the paper for three solid minutes.

8:00 am - out the door, jogging to my kids' school for a content starved assembly on personal safety. On the way back, I hesitate a moment longer before crossing the street against the light. About 45 mins. of total jog time, over the hill and through the Castro.

9:54 am - my decaf. capp in 6 minutes before my client. I did manage to enjoy the foam.

2:20 pm -I've forgotten that I'm starving by the time I get to lunch. An emergency trip to school, this time in the mommy van, to pick up my fevered child, caused part of the delay.

I really wanted to stop for a Peasant Pie so I went through the various scenarios. Park in front while child waits in the car. Ha! a strategy that depends on a good parking spot in San Francisco?

Take child home and leave him unattended for ten minutes. He'd be fine.

But what if something did happen? I'd be forever known as the deadbeat mom. No, I'm more morally sophisticated than that. I'd be distraught. I'd never forgive myself. But nothing would happen. The vision of the eyewitness news report featuring my mug shot saves my reputation for now.

At home with my energetic but fevered child, I steam some brussel sprouts, season with a dab of organic Goddess dressing and some balsamic vinegar, and defrost another chicken burrito. Afterwards I'm still hungry, so I eat 3/4 of an apple and make some roibos tea with a bit of milk to sip at my desk.

5:30 pm - I'm off to a lecture tonight, and I'm very hungry, so I sit down with some more brussel sprouts and half of my son's lunch sandwich - hippy style raisin bread with a morsel of ham.

There are healthy snacks at the lecture, but I'm not hungry, so I pass.

8:45 pm - A fried egg and a kiddie bowl of defrosted Christmas stuffing constitute the main course. I need quite a few more calories, so I pour a bowl of cereal with walnuts, knowing that may not do it.

A sweetheart of a client (who lost 8.5 lbs in the last two weeks) has brought me some pecans in their shells. Her sister gathers them from her yard in Mississippi and ships them out. My daughter wants to play with the nutcracker, so she opens one and asks if they have been injected with honey. With that description, I have a nibble. WOW! It's pecan flavor times ten! Good God. Is this what pecans are supposed to taste like?

Oh yes. I'm in America where the nut flavor gets crushed in processing machines so they can come to stores in convenient plastic bags and sit on shelves for months while the fatty acids deteriorate. I remember. At least I only have to shop once a week.

I pour another bowl of walnuts this time.

I'm probably done. Then I spot the "Thank you for registering for our very expensive seminar" cookies that arrived today. What the heck. I find one devoid of chocolate (or I wouldn't sleep) and chomp down. Whew! Is this pure sugar?? As I finish the last bite, I notice an incredible urge to have MORE NOW rise like a tidal wave in me.

Fortunately, part of my psyche splinters off, observes the chemical coup, and screams DANGER! DANGER! I shut the box, more hungry than when I started, and duck into my office for safety.

As I write this, the hunger has turned to a sinking lead weight in my stomach. Strangely, the cookie package didn't include an ingredient list or nutrition information with the prominently displayed re-order information.


Heather Dominick, EnergyRICH® Entrepreneur Success Coach said...


This is GREAT ... and thank you so much for the "shout out". It caught me by surprise as I was reading along :)

I can really relate to so much of your food journey and, boy, what a difference it makes to get that 'food part' in place - it frees so much up for the success of our lives. Keep up the good work.

With gratitude,

Renee said...

Thanks Heather! As you are someone who's been there with food,it's great to get your feedback!


alice mohr said...

i look forward to your journals everyday. they are very informative as to your thought process in regards to food. i really feel like i can relate to all of that and i can see how far i have come since i have started to work with you. i seem to have more time and energy now and looking forward to more of your daily journals. keep up the good work.
thank you

Anonymous said...

This was your first post I've read. It was really helpful to see some of my struggle in writing. I particularly found the entry about the sugar craving after 1 cookie interesting - I've never applied that to my struggle. Oh - I'm so glad someone else eats brussel sprouts. I get more comments about eating "turtle heads" than you can imagine - grin